- concrete blockhouse
- (железо) бетонное долговременное огневое сооружение
English-Russian arms dictionary. 2013.
English-Russian arms dictionary. 2013.
blockhouse — ► NOUN 1) a reinforced concrete shelter used as an observation point. 2) US a house made of squared logs … English terms dictionary
blockhouse — [bläkhous΄] n. 1. Historical a strong wooden fort with a projecting second story and openings in the walls for the defenders to shoot from ☆ 2. any building of squared timber or logs ☆ 3. Mil. a small defensive structure of concrete ☆ 4. a dome… … English World dictionary
Blockhouse — In military science, a blockhouse is a small, isolated fort in the form of a single building. It is intended to serve as a defensive strongpoint against any enemy which does not possess siege equipment or, in modern times, artillery. A… … Wikipedia
blockhouse — block•house [[t]ˈblɒkˌhaʊs[/t]] n. pl. hous•es [[t]ˌhaʊ zɪz[/t]] 1) archit. a building of hewn timbers, usu. with a projecting upper story, having loopholes for musketry: formerly used as a fort 2) mil a defensive military structure, as of… … From formal English to slang
blockhouse — noun Date: 1512 1. a. a structure of heavy timbers formerly used for military defense with sides loopholed and pierced for gunfire and often with a projecting upper story b. a small easily defended building for protection from enemy fire 2. a… … New Collegiate Dictionary
blockhouse — /blok hows /, n., pl. blockhouses /how ziz/. 1. Mil. a fortified structure with ports or loopholes through which defenders may direct gunfire. 2. Also called garrison house. (formerly) a building, usually of hewn timber and with a projecting… … Universalium
blockhouse — noun a) A sturdy military fortification, often of concrete, with gunports. b) A reinforced building from which to control hazardous operations, such as an explosion or a … Wiktionary
blockhouse — n. fortified concrete building with openings for firing weapons … English contemporary dictionary
blockhouse — noun 1》 a reinforced concrete shelter used as an observation point. ↘historical a one storeyed timber building used as a fort. 2》 US a house made of squared logs … English new terms dictionary
blockhouse — n. 1 a reinforced concrete shelter used as an observation point etc. 2 hist. a one storeyed timber building with loopholes, used as a fort. 3 a house made of squared logs … Useful english dictionary
Planning for the Battle of Iwo Jima — In anticipation of the Battle of Iwo Jima, Lieutenant General Tadamichi Kuribayashi prepared a defense that broke with Japanese military doctrine. Rather than defending the beaches, Kuribayashi devised a defense that maximized enemy attrition.… … Wikipedia